Angelic Reiki

LEVEL 3 & 4 Masters Workshop


This workshop is available to those holding an Angelic Reiki Level 1 & 2 certificate and who are ready to progress to the next stage, either for personal development or to teach Angelic Reiki.

This workshop is received over two and a half days and is a powerful experience which lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of Ascension and your partnership with the Angelic Realm.

It awakens the Divine within. Participants receive a wave of love emanating from the Heart of the Galaxy. It places students in their own spiritual power with knowledge of themselves as the Ascended Masters and Multi Dimensional being they truly are.

Once complete you are an Angelic Reiki Master Practitioner and Trainer, you can host your own events building your own powerful professional healing business.

Angelic Reiki 3 & 4 - $950.00 AUD

Friday 6:30pm - Sunday 4:30pm

During this 2 1/2 Day Workshop, the student receives;

  • The purpose and process of dedicating, clearing, opening and closing sacred workshop space

  • Opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of yourself while relaxing, healing and expanding your consciousness to the level that’s perfect for you.

  • Revisiting healing techniques taught in the level 1&2 workshop

  • Opportunities to share healing experiences

  • Healing through eye contact as used in Atlantis

  • Healing with Soul Group energies

  • Healing with energies of the Divine Presence and Divine Blessing

  • 13 symbols which are a gateway to multidimensional healing, activated to Angelic level through the 7 levels of form and Divine form by Archangel Metatron

  • Cleansing, entity release and Full attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree levels

  • Angelic Ray Attunement

  • Masters Archangelic Initiation

  • Understanding of the Soul Family as introduced n the Healing with the Divine Presence

  • Gifts of higher knowledge given by the Sarim, the Princes of the Angelic Kingdom

  • Healing practice sessions

  • Advice on how to teach Angelic Reiki workshops and to facilitate Angelic Reiki attunements

  • A comprehensive Master Teacher manual

  • Certificate of training achievement to 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki

As well as .......

Profound Self Healing

This is a weekend of pure self indulgence, love, healing and alignment to your true inner being.

Where can you take this?

Advice is provided on healing treatment practicalities to assist you in your next steps as an Angelic Reiki Master Practitioner and Trainer.

Certificate of training

Achievement to Masters degree in Angelic Reiki, membership available to
The Angelic Reiki Association where you can advertise yourself and your events for a minimal cost.


Harmonic Healing Introduction using Elfen Chakra Chimes and tuning forks.

Understanding of Dowsing and Essential Oils.

BONUS #2 -

Etheric Body Healing Practice, Sperical Healing and Cosmic Ray Meditation.

This event is held in Michelle's home at 3 Central Avenue, Boronia, Victoria, Australia. which is her Healing Practice. A personal, expansive and safe experience awaits.

  • Friday Evening 6:30pm - 9:00pm

  • Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm

  • Sunday 9:00am - 4:30pm

Please bring a notepad and pen, your lunch, slippers, yoga mat and favorite blanket (many extras are available and you are very welcome to borrow). Any specific dietary or special requirements to be mentioned as light refreshments are provided.

As a healer willing to work with Angels in this way, you offer a great and wonderful service to all and yourselves.

Here's what to do next if you have question

If you're still not sure and you have some questions, I extend to you an invitation to schedule yourself in for a FREE 20 minute chat with Michelle. When we meet, we can establish if this is right for you, get all your questions answered and sort out which way is best to proceed.

Or Call Michelle Reinhardt 0417 515 892 for more details.

Meet Michelle


Can’t get enough of Sex in the City.

Is embarrassingly obsessed with online games.. yikes!

Is a huge sucker for a cute dog, our Kelpie X? (Rescue) and therapy dog will most likely join us at some stage (he is super reluctant to give up the healing chair to clients....we'll work on that one for you).

Has jumped out of an aeroplane over Victoria Falls in Africa, thankfully tethered to a parachute! “Never Again”...

Is totally obsessed with Nature and Mountain Hiking and a Mum to 2 incredibly amazing young Adults.

As Michelle clawed through the battles and lies of her mind and the deep sense of dread that settled like an enemy killjoy over her and her family’s life she choose to tie business, healing and energy together to lead many successful entrepreneurs into Abundance and Wealth consciousness. She tried the corporate world although her healing hands, drive and passion eventually won as she uncovered her own beautiful gifts and began sharing them.

Michelle is the creator of the gorgeous online community Freedom, the Quantum Way and The Quantum Shift Alignment Party and supports many healers towards having their own thriving practices.

Michelle is an:

  • Angelic Reiki Master and Teacher,

  • Spiritual Mentor,

  • Intuitive Spiritual Healer,

  • Mindset Energy Master Coach

  • Creator of Self and Soul Mastery for Abundance Seekers,

  • Podcast Host,

  • Wellpoint Hypnosis Practitioner™

Meet Michelle


Can’t get enough of Sex in the City.

Is embarrassingly obsessed with online games.. yikes!

Is a huge sucker for a cute dog, our Kelpie X? (Rescue) and therapy dog will most likely join us at some stage (he is super reluctant to give up the healing chair to clients....we'll work on that one for you).

Has jumped out of an aeroplane over Victoria Falls in Africa, thankfully tethered to a parachute! “Never Again”...

Is totally obsessed with Nature and Mountain Hiking and a Mum to 2 incredibly amazing young Adults.

As Michelle clawed through the battles and lies of her mind and the deep sense of dread that settled like an enemy killjoy over her and her family’s life she choose to tie business, healing and energy together to lead many successful entrepreneurs into Abundance and Wealth consciousness. She tried the corporate world although her healing hands, drive and passion eventually won as she uncovered her own beautiful gifts and began sharing them.

Michelle is the creator of the gorgeous online community Freedom, the Quantum Way and The Quantum Shift Alignment Party and supports many healers towards having their own thriving practices.

Michelle is an:

  • Angelic Reiki Master and Teacher,

  • Spiritual Mentor,

  • Intuitive Spiritual Healer,

  • Mindset Energy Master Coach

  • Creator of Self and Soul Mastery for Abundance Seekers,

  • Podcast Host,

  • Wellpoint Hypnosis Practitioner™

Some Experiences From Our Last Workshop


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Please Note

To visit the Angelic Reiki Association for more information please click here.

Our Code of ethics, disclaimer. In Angelic Reiki, we make no specific claims of cure. The word healing is used in its traditional meaning of passing energy. The advice of a medical practitioner is always recommended where needed.

© year Copyright Michelle Reinhardt | Terms & Conditions

Got more questions? Ask us...

My goal is for this to be an extraordinarily beautiful experience of leading you out of your head and into your heart where a beautiful, bright and joyful future exist.

Please forward any further questions to Michelle | [email protected]

© 2024 Copyright Michelle Reinhardt | Terms & Conditions